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•   Joe Linn  7/31
•   Elizabeth Bach (Piper/Bach)  3/27
•   Connie Loch (Nahan)  2/17
•   David Medeck  12/14
•   David Kalkman  11/6
•   Renee Brand (Fauset)  10/19
•   Charles Opitz  9/4
•   Pete Watercott (Watercott)  9/4
•   William Streit  8/26
•   Donna Sakry (Peuse)  8/23
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1 lives in Alaska
5 live in Arizona
4 live in California
3 live in Colorado
1 lives in Delaware
4 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
2 live in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Maryland
2 live in Michigan
176 live in Minnesota
4 live in Montana
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New York
2 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in South Dakota
1 lives in Utah
2 live in Virginia
4 live in Washington
4 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Spain
15 location unknown
35 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

 **** Yearly Gathering****

Our yearly gathering for the Class of 1970 is just less than 4 weeks away.  We want to be certain you have this gathering on your event calendar, and if not, please consider adding it.  Attendees of the gathering in 2023 spoke so highly of the event and we are hoping that once again we can have a wonderful time sharing with each other. Details are as follows:



TIME:  4:30 - 8:30 or until we have a desire to end the evening

****The Class of 1970 has the room within the Legend's Bar and Grill reserved for our class.  Classmates, spouses, and significant others will also have access to the other areas within the bar, including the dance floor (more to come on live music that evening) and the outdoor patio.  There will be a cash bar available, and we can each order appetizers or a meal off of the menu anytime during the evening. 

Please join us for what promises to be another great event. Encourage classmates to come.  Everyone's presence is what makes this event positive and enjoyable to all. Hoping to see many of you. 


Additional Information: Just a quick reminder of our 55th Class Reunion to be held on Satuday, September 27, 2025 at the RED CARPET EVENT CENTER, downtown, St. Cloud.  It is our hope that more specific information will be made available just after the start of the new year in 2025.  It will be a one day event starting at a similar time as the yearly gatherings, 4:30.  An appetizer buffet will be available.  Please be watchful for the information regarding this event.


Your Reunion Committee:  Bonnie Blaske Fitzharris, Lee Fitzharris, Dave Kremer, Tim McNeal, Mary Poster Lahr, Jean Traut Muntifering, and Karen Zakrajshek McNeal. 

Questions/concerns please contact Bonnie Blaske Fitzharris: Phone: 320-247-1717 or


Hello Classmates of 1970!!!

Important Information! 

 **** Yearly Gathering****


We hope this announcement finds you reasonably healthyand hopeful, that you are enjoying some good moments, and that you are continuing to make memories.  Hooray for the 1970 graduates!

We want to remind you of our yearly gathering that we said we would continue with, as we had nothing but positive comments from last year's attendees. So, once again it will take place at the Legend's Bar and Grill, Holiday Inn, St. Cloud, MN. It will be held on the last Saturday of September, which is the designated date for our class events going forward.  Thus, this year, the date for our Yearly Reunion Gathering will be SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2024.  Hours are 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM or until we decide to end the evening.  We have the room inside of the bar reserved for us.  Their will be a cash bar and an opportunity to order an evening meal or appetizers through the bar if you so desire. It will be a very casual setting for classmates and spouses/significant others to converse, reconnect and remininsce about memories and to make new memories, and to share laughs and tears.  It was a great time last year.  Please share the date with other classmates and encourage all to attend.  Let's have another wonderful event.  A reminder will be sent prior to the event.


Additional Information:  We are in the midst of planning our slightly larger event of our 55th Class Reunion.  We are excited again to try to get as many classmates to attend as possible, so spread the word about this annoucement.  The date remains the same as what was previously shared with you.  It is scheduled for SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2025. There will be more specific details coming out around the start of 2025.  We are just taking this opportunity to share with you the beginning plans.

Our event will only be Saturday evening. It will take place at the Red Carpet Event Center, which is in the lower level of the Red Carpet, downtown St. Cloud.  Surprisingly, the Red Carpent remains in the same place as it was in 1970.  This site was chosen for a variety of reasons.  It has 3 hotels that are within 1-3 walking blocks from the Red Carpet for classmates joining us that are in need of an overnight stay or two.  Hotels include: Best Western Plus Kelly Inn, Courtyard St. Cloud, and the Grandstay Residential Suites Hotel St. Cloud.  There is a parking ramp that has free parking on Saturdays.  The ramp is located right outside of the back entrance where the Event Center actually is and is called the Centre Square Ramp.  Also, we feel that the Red Carpet falls in line more with our budget.  Lastly, it is an attempt to assist in keeping downtown St. Cloud alive by supporting one of the existing establishments. And to top that all off, we can support our classmate, Mary Gaetz's family, as family members own the Red Carpet. The Red Carpet Event Center appears to best meet our needs. Again, more details regarding our 55th Reunion will come at a later date.  Just be sure to mark it down on your calendar for 2025.



Your Reunion Committee: 

Bonnie Blaske Fitzharris, Lee Fitzharris, Dave Kremer, Tim McNeal, Mary Poster Lahr, Jean Traut Muntifering, and Karen Zakrajshek McNeal. 

Questions/concerns please contact Bonnie Blaske Fitzharris: Phone: 320-247-1717 or